Lent Life

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Little Hailee

We have a new addition to our family, little Hailee was born on August 1st at 1:47am. She was 6.5lbs and 18.5 inches long and even though she decided to come out a month early, she is healthier than ever.
Her very first picture, she is less than 5 minutes old
Hailee sleeping on her mama
She has the blackest hair, and lots of it, I think it will lighten though
First picture we got with her eyes open

The day we were supposed to go home she got Jaundice and had to go under the lights for about 15 hours.  This was the first time I cryed since she was born, it was heartbreaking because she would cry and we couldn't hold her, except 20 minutes every 3 hours.

Six days old and we are finally ready to go home
The day I had little miss Hailee was a bit of a surprise, well I knew that something had changed the night before because I did not sleep much and had to get up 11 times to pee from 10pm to when my husband left for work at 5am.  Normally I only got up about 5 times at this point.  I had an appointment for my weekly checkup that afternoon anyway so I figured I would just talk to them then.  This was my 36 week checkup and everything looked great so they weren't going to check me for dilation.  I insisted that something felt different and I have been peeing a lot extra, and they finally agreed to check me.  When the doctor checked me he was shocked because I was already dilated to 6cm, he sent me straight up to labor and delivery.  I called my husband and told him to get his but to the hospital because we were having a baby today.  I didn't feel any contractions until about 3:30pm, at 10pm I was still only dilated to 7cm and the contractions weren't to bad.  They decided to break my water and then the contractions really came.  Just when you think they are strong, they get even stronger.  I had it in my mind I was going to have a completely natural birth before I even got pregnant.  I did really good until I hit 9cm, then I literally thought I was dieing.  Lucky for me I went from 9 to 10 in about 5 minutes and my body started pushing by itself.  I pushed for about 2 hours because she was face up, which makes it harder, before she stayed crowned.  Then it took about 3 pushes and she was here.   We spent 6 days in the hospital because Hailee got Jaundice and lost 12% of her birth weigh, she went down to 5.9lbs.  Then we were free to go.



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